Exercises to strengthen legs and improve balance with Balance Boards
The legs are the foundation of our body, and their strength is key to any physical activity, from sports like cycling and running to everyday tasks like walking or standing. With a Balance Board, you can not only strengthen your legs, but also improve your balance and stability in a fun and effective way. Discover in this article a series of exercises designed to maximize your results.
Exercise 1: Deep squats
Stand on the Balance Board with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down slowly and controlled until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Maintain balance throughout the movement.
Benefits :
- Strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.
- Improves overall stability by working on dynamic balance.
Variations :
- Hold light weights to add resistance.
- Pause at the lowest point to intensify the effort.
Exercise 2: Alternating lunges
Stand on the Balance Board with one foot in the center. Step forward with the other foot, simulating a lunge, and slowly return to the starting position. Alternate legs.
Benefits :
- Strengthens the legs individually.
- Develop balance by working each leg separately.
Variations :
- Increase stride depth for greater intensity.
- Keep your front foot elevated for a few seconds before returning.
Exercise 3: Swinging Deadlift
Stand on the Balance Board with your feet hip-width apart. Lean your torso forward, keeping your back straight and your knees slightly bent, bringing your hands towards your knees or ankles, and slowly return to the starting position. Keep your balance throughout the movement.
Benefits :
- Strengthens the hamstrings, glutes and lower back muscles.
- Improves dynamic stability and posture.
Variations :
- Use a light weight or a water bottle to intensify the exercise.
- Perform the exercise with one leg, leaving the other slightly raised back.
Exercise 4: Heel Raises
Stand on the Balance Board with your feet together. Slowly raise your heels up onto your toes and then lower yourself down in a controlled manner.
Benefits :
- Strengthens calf muscles.
- Improves ankle stability and coordination.
Variations :
- Perform the exercise on one foot for an added challenge.
- Increase the speed of the repetitions to work on endurance.
Exercise 5: Controlled jumps
Start standing on the Balance Board. Perform small jumps and land softly, making sure to keep your balance after each jump.
Benefits :
- Improves leg power and coordination.
- Increases responsiveness and dynamic stability.
Variations :
- Try lateral jumps to work on stability in different directions.
- For advanced users, try performing the exercise with your eyes closed, always in a safe environment.
Exercise 6: Side step with balance
Stand next to the Balance Board. Step sideways to place one foot on the board and follow with the other foot, holding your balance for a few seconds. Then return to the starting point and repeat on the other side.
Benefits :
- Strengthens the lateral leg muscles and improves lateral stability.
- Train quick transition movements.
Variations :
- Increase speed to work on cardiovascular endurance.
- Hold a lower position (similar to a semi-squat) to intensify the effort.
Exercise 7: Glute bridge
Make sure the Balance Board is on a stable surface before placing your upper back on it, while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Lift your pelvis until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Slowly lower yourself down and repeat.
Benefits :
- Strengthens the glutes, hamstrings and lower back.
- Improves core stability by adding the balance component.
Variations :
- Perform the exercise with one leg elevated for a greater challenge.
- Use a resistance band around your knees to activate your outer glutes
These Balance Board routines are ideal for strengthening your legs while improving your balance and coordination.
Practicing these exercises regularly will not only strengthen the core muscles of your legs, but will also help you prevent injuries and improve your performance in sports activities.
Dare to incorporate these movements into your training and discover the benefits of a more dynamic and functional workout.