Basic Blue 10%
Basic Blue 10%
The Basic Blue is the smallest of the family, since it is smaller than its sisters (69 cm long by 30 cm wide), it is also lighter, which makes it more comfortable to transport and handle even for the smallest. little ones in the house.
It is made of birch wood and resists a weight of up to 90 kg.
The solid cork roller is also somewhat smaller, measuring 30 cm long by 11 cm in diameter.
NOTE: The colors of the designs may vary slightly from the photos since the boards are made by hand and no two will ever be the same due to the grain of the wood itself and the mixture of stains and varnishes.
WARNING: Keep in mind that the use of the balance board carries some risk just like the practice of other sports and could become dangerous, the use of the board is at your own risk. It is convenient that minors always use it under adult supervision and it is recommended that they use protections such as a helmet, elbow pads, etc. for greater safety. By purchasing the product you are aware of the danger that this article can have if it is not used correctly. It is recommended to use it in an open space and away from objects that could be hit with, such as furniture, chairs, tables, etc. Our boards are indicated for people over 14 years of age.